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Artist Sergey Stelmashonok's own art project

Spontaneous exhibition: movie stars and their cats

Spontaneous exhibition: movie stars and their cats We know for sure now that cats inspire rock musicians.

Here you may see the portraits of great musicians in the image of cats.

Upon seeing these pictures, you can easily understand the grandeur of the cat contribution to the film industry.

If your favourite movie stars - by some mistake - are not shown here, this means that their photo with cats is either being made right now, or has been included into Hollywood X-files (top-secret information, not the movie)) Still, everything is possible.
Don't worry: anything can be found. And we strongly believe in that.

Anita Ekberg

Robert DeNiro and Lil Bub

Drew Barrymore


Audrey Hepburn

Brigitte Bardot

Cameron Diaz

Carol Lombard, Clark Gable

Christina Ricci

Claudia Cardinale

Drew Barrymore

Elizabeth Taylor

George Clooney

Grace Kelly

Halle Barry

Jane Fonda1

Jayne Mansfield

John Travolta

Kim Novak

Marlon Brando

Mary Pickford

Meryl Streep

Michelle Pfeiffer

Mischa Barton

Morgan Freeman

Nicolas Cage

Nicole Kidman

Nicole Richie

Penelope Cruz

Russell Brand

Sean Connery

Sofia Loren

Steve Martin

Vivien Leigh

Greta Garbo

Lauren Bacall

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Patricia Kaas became the first owner of her own Rock-n-Roll Cat Style portrait
Home ~ News ~ Contacts

Cats & Dreams. Artist Sergey Stelmashonok's own art project.
Minsk, Belarus
+375 293 1234 16

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Site Cats & Dreams features a collection of posters, images, drawings and illustrations by the Belarusian artist Sergey Stelmashonok. Sergey has been illustrating articles in different newspapers and magazines for many years but his main passion is depicting cats. Each and every cat in his images is special. Take a look and enjoy.