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Artist Sergey Stelmashonok's own art project

Stamp Cats

This series of posters presents cats on stamps. Every poster has a story illustrating an idea of a cat image. The inreal country of Catland invented by the artist Sergey Stelmashonok has its own stamps presented on this web page.

As it is known the first postage stamp appeared on the 1stof May 1840 in the UK. It was the famous "Penny Black" depicting Queen Victoria. In a couple of days "Two Penny Blue" was issued.

A postage stamp was issued by the Swiss canton Zürich in three years time on the 1stof March 1843, and the so-called "Bull’s Eye" was issued in Brazil on the 1st of August.

Thus, Brazilians were the first to use abstract design for stamps and not the portrait of their King – Pedro II. Stamps appeared in the USA in 1847, in India – in the 50-s and almost all countries of the world had their stamps by the 60-s of the XIX century.

270 years later after the issue of the most rare and precious stamp of the present day – "The Black Penny" – Catland issued own postage stamps presented in this web page as posters. So, Catland was the last – but not the least! – country to join the post reform. Judging by the minimal number pf copies (just one copy), the new series of Catland stamps may be included into the list of the most rare stamps of the world.

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            Cats & Dreams. Artist Sergey Stelmashonok's own art project.
            Minsk, Belarus
            +375 293 1234 16

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            Copyright © 2009-2025 Cats & Dreams. All rights reserved.

            Site Cats & Dreams features a collection of posters, images, drawings and illustrations by the Belarusian artist Sergey Stelmashonok. Sergey has been illustrating articles in different newspapers and magazines for many years but his main passion is depicting cats. Each and every cat in his images is special. Take a look and enjoy.