Czeslaw Niemen is not just a legend of European rock, because it was he who actually opened the Western music for many of Soviet people. The reason is simple: Poland is near, many Belarusians have relatives there, so people from Belarus crossed the ...
Everyone knows that cats love to play with clews and spools, but few people wonder, what happens if they do not take those things away and give cats the opportunity to bring the matter to its logical end. It appeared that cats are genetically prone ...
Boris Grebenshikov, whom fans affectionately and almost familiarly call "Bob" - is a very intelligent man of a great multi-faceted talent. For some people he is the best poet of our times, for others - the last hero of rock 'n' roll. Some people ...
Have you ever noticed how cats walk in the snow, leaving a neat set of footprints - almost a bee-line? How they artfully curl up, and in moments of concentration when hunting they stretch almost like a line very close to the ground and literally ...
Scientists have been debating for a long time about the following: which alphabet was the very first in the world? Some say that the alphabet was invented by the Phoenicians, others argue that the first alphabet was a Hebrew invention. And now we ...
According to Egyptian beliefs, sphinx is a she, moreover SHE appeared to be oviparous. Sphinx eggs are very unusual: it’s not other sphinx’ that are hatched, it’s pyramids that are hatched. That’s why sphinx never breeded and now they are very rare. ...
Everyone can find a special meaning in this picture: a kid sees two cats playing, a specialist in Eastern culture sees archetypical simbols, a person obsessed with sex sees orgasming cats, a safety technique engineer sees an axifugal symbol, a ...
Everyone knows of the healing properties of the fair sex. A woman can work magic upon a man and bring him back to life even without touching him. This skill is priceless. Especially now, when the doctors of the post-soviet countries sometimes have ...
The Tiger Lillies – is a cult British band, a crazy Brechtian cabaret boasting of an amazing legacy: 27 albums. They are a living legend and perform about 300 concerts a year all over the world. The Tiger Lillies manage somehow magically to make ...
This picture is already 30 years old - this was one of the very first cat-themed pictures by Sergey Stelmashonok. It was shown for the first time at the exhibition of young artists’ works in the House of Cinema. But the exhibition frightened the ...
We introduce you - the great and horrid Alice Cooper who is looking at the world through spider eyes, beheading himslf on the stage, wa has created one of the first truly brilliant rock-horror ballads Stiven and a demonic hymn of the whole ...
Dylan was very lucky in America: he always had the love of simple Americans as well as the love of huge record labels. But the USSR audience never warmed up to his creative work and was never interested in it, although (and that is a unique ...
The USSR Government never liked The Beatles, because they could never make them look bad for the people of the Soviet Union. First of all, Paul, John, George and Ringo are ordinary guys, meaning - socially close to us (unlike the millionaire Frank ...
Waits is probably one of the greatest cult rockers. His obviously non-commercial albums are bought up in no time. His voice squeal when the cranky melody changes its direction. Big Tom In his creative works everything mixed up: blues, jazz, ...
The days are rolling by, the hours are rushing through, the seconds are flying by all the year round. The planet is turning wildly, and inside of it, working in a spin cycle, millions of cats are running forward - enjoying their tenth bonus eternal ...
Joe Cocker is often called the dinosaur of rock. That probably happenes due to his great contribution to the rock music. And his unforgettable roaring voice, which grabs the listeners' hearts. He have always been untameable. It is not by chance that ...
Try to imagine how it feels like for a dragonfly to see the surrounding world not just doubling, but multiplying and it sees hundreds of images of our world at the same time. And taking into consideration that with this type of eyesight dragonflies ...
Potatoe is the most precious fossil of Potatoland, which lies in the very heart of Europe. For the native population it is the most valued treasure, the legendary resource and national pride. Whatever the native Americans say, trying to prove their ...
Ten Sting's Tales Legend #1 As a young man Sting – proudly having the name Gordon Matthew Thomas Sumner at that time – was a school champion in racing and a football team star. And after graduating from school he entered a pedagogical college and ...
Jan Anderson, the great English or rather Scottish flutist, guitarist, vocalist and song writer from the great band Jethro Tull, gave a fantastic concert in Minsk, March 2009, in spite of the fact that he had broken a finger on his left hand. This ...
Cats and dragons have much in common. Ears, paws, claws, the ability to growl and spit – isn’t that enough? Cats are absolutely independent and they possess a unique ability to make their marble good for women, who immediately start being over-sweet ...
People tend to idealize old times, and not without a reason: chivalry, beautiful gowns, bright life full of adventures. Still, even today we have an opportunity to scratch a romantic message to our Mistress, to perform a cat’s concert (serenade) ...
People all over the territory of the former USSR love Chris Rea. Women love him for his romantic ballads, men – for his hoarse voice, which is so close to the Russian soul, rockers – for the series of great blues records, nostalgic older generation ...
Nobody knows why cats are so wild about grass. Even the great science-fiction writer Clifford Simak who wrote "All Flesh Is Grass" doesn’t know that. But notice: it is not by chance that cats like to chew house plants – they seem to get green energy ...
The great artist Kazimir Malevich had a cat names Square. It was huge, fat and grey. But Malevich was fond of looking for a black cat in a dark room that is why he used to paint his cat black (the artist simply didn’t have other colours). The cat ...
Everyone knows that a cat has 9 lives. But not all people may guess that each of the nine lives has a different character It happened many times: an angry and scratchy cat may run away and when it comes back home – it is absolutely different! It ...
Every living being has its keeper, and cats have the most powerful keepers. That is why cats are never afraid to climb the highest trees. Still, sometimes a cat may climb the highest tree and then it may start yelling and try to pretend that it ...
The muses (derived from the Greek word — imagining, thinking, conceiving) — they are the daughters of Zeus in the ancient Greek mythology – they are the patrons of sciences, poetry and arts. They were mentioned in THE "Odyssey" and the "Iliad". You ...
Cats adore travelling. The most lazy ones explore all the corners of their homes. Those that are more active stroll along cornices and balconies. Artful ones climb the roofs, attics and antennas. But the coolest ones travel from one place to another ...
Why do cats lick their paws, whiskers, ears and tails clean every morning? Variant #1 The cats recount them! You never know what could have happened to them at night while the cat was strolling the roofs and fences. And only when they make sure that ...
The repertoire of the amazing French singer and actress Patricia Kaas is very diverse: it’s a mixture of pop music, jazz, blues elements and classical chanson. More than 17.000.000 copies of her CD have been sold since the release of the first album ...
How to draw a homo sapiens? Dot-n-dot, line-n-line – that’s a human being. It is easy with people. And if you draw a circle, two triangular and several lines (just like in a bar code) you can get a cat sapiens. Now, let us look closely at the face ...
When a cat comes to an office – that is absolutely great! For the cat, but not for the office workers. Because the cat can climb and penetrate anywhere, even into the most out-of-the-way places. And no offer of a lunch-box sausage will make the cat ...
Many years ago women had to put on corsets, which were like bird coops, hoop skirts, lacy collars, make luxuriant hair-dos in order to look beautiful… If we also remember that there were also veils, huge hats, fans, gloves, palanquins and heavy ...
*ROSTA – Rossijskoje Telegrafnoje Agentstvo – Telegraphic Agency of Russia In the Russian language the abbreviation ROSTA sounds like the Russian word "growth" Never damp melancholy with valerian – Work – and let the sadness back off Why, lie idle ...
It is known that cats can hunt at night. But in order to be successful one should spent a lot a lot of time lying-in-wait. While watching the surrounding area becomes kind of closer and it becomes part of your realm, you become the ruler, watching ...
Everyone knows cats can see in the dark. And if you light them up with a lantern for example you can see their eyes shining. Once the artist was asked why the eyes of the cat in the picture shine. "I don’t know," – said the shy artist, dropped his ...
The stained-glass windows of Notre Dame de Paris shine in the dark, they attracted people’s attention for hundreds of years. Many modern artists also created their stained-glass windows, for example Mark Chagall. But none of the artists made a cat ...
Janis Lyn Joplin is truly believed to be the best white blues performer and one of the greatest vocalists in the rock history. She performed blues and psychedelic rock being part of Big Brother and the Holding Company , and a bit later she set up ...
Many Amy Jade Winehouse’s relatives were professional jazz performers and her grandmother was fond of her memories about the relationships with the British jazz icon Ronnie Scott. Her parents were Dinah Washington, Ella Fitzgerald, Frank Sinatra ...
The very first promo single by Christina Aguilera "GenieinaBottle" was heading the Billboardchart for five weeks and was awarded many times. It was the first of many hits, which often appear in different ratings. The second single became one of the ...
This work was first shown at the international exhibition "March Cats" in Minsk in 2009. When the world financial crisis went into top gear, when the politicians of all countries doubled the power of the dollar and eagerly offered to introduce the ...
Would you like to play with a cat? And if it were as big as a human being and you were as small as a cat? And what would happen if in this case a cat wanted to play with you… To roll you on the ground holding you with its sharp teeth, bring you into ...
When a sassy young man Elvis Presley entered the studion "Sun" in July 1953 to record a song for his mother "That`s All Right, Mama" he had no idea that he was entering into a legend. Elvis’ music and style, behavior and manners were stunningly ...
Frank Zappa, American guitar player and composer, singer and performer, released more than 60 albums during his 33-year creative work and turned out to be the most productive composer of his time. He was the leader of the band "The Mothers of ...
Chas Chandler, bass guitarist of the band ANIMALS, brought a phenomenal American guitar player Jimi Hendrix to London in 1996. His first album "Are You Experienced?" came as a bombshell and was second in popularity after the legendary "Sgt. ...
Site Cats & Dreams features a collection of posters, images, drawings and illustrations by the Belarusian artist Sergey Stelmashonok. Sergey has been illustrating articles in different newspapers and magazines for many years but his main passion is depicting cats. Each and every cat in his images is special. Take a look and enjoy.